\grammarly for mac\ app
\grammarly for mac\ app

\grammarly for mac\ app

The paid version of Grammarly costs between $12 and $30 per month depending on your subscription length.

  • In these programs, you'll need to copy and paste your writing into the free desktop app, where it will check everything for you.
  • It's not fully compatible with other word processing apps like Apple Pages.
  • It has a personal dictionary you can add words to as you work. You can plug Grammarly into these programs and it will work in the background, correcting and offering suggestions as you write. It's compatible with several common word processing programs, including Microsoft Word and Google Docs. The free version is mostly grammar and spellchecker. Its interface is logically organized, with your writing on the left, suggestions and corrections in the middle, and a menu on the far right-hand side that shows detailed analysis and can be minimized while working.

    \grammarly for mac\ app

    Grammarly has a free version and a paid version: I've used both in the past.

    \grammarly for mac\ app

    In addition, I've compared free versions and looked at the additional functions the premium versions offer.


    I also looked at how customizable the programs are with other writing software and the kind of interface they provide. I pasted my product copy into both editing tools and broke down their analysis. Instead, it flagged several sentences as overly complex, which is helpful as this kind of copy should be short and straightforward. On the other hand, Hemingway didn't look at any grammar mistakes. It's meant to be a social media post that gets a response from readers, so it doesn't have perfect grammar, and Grammarly caught all the places where I broke grammar rules due to the extremely casual tone. I've used the same piece to test both, a bit of direct response copy that's about 300 words long. In this comparison, I'll go over both editing programs and look at their similarities and differences. Final Word on Hemingway App Vs Grammarly.

    \grammarly for mac\ app